
Publications to Date

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Books 1080w-38

Academic Papers

Downes, J., Kelly, L., and Westmarland, N. (2019) “It’s a work in progress”: Men’s accounts of gender and change in their use of coercive control. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 3(3): 267-282.

Wistow, R., Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2017) “Time Out”: A Strategy for Reducing Men’s Violence Against Women in Relationships? Violence Against Women, 23(6): 730-748.

Westmarland, N. and Kelly, L. (2017) Intimate partner sexual violence and perpetrator programmes. In: McOrmond-Plummer, L., Levy-Peck, J. and Easteal, P. (eds) Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence. London: Routledge.

Westmarland, N. and Kelly, L. (2016) Domestic Violence: The Increasing Tensions Between Experience, Theory, Research, Policy and Practice. In: Matthews, R. (ed.) What is to Be Done About Crime and Punishment? London: Palgrave Macmillan (pp. 31-55).

Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2016) Naming and Defining ‘Domestic Violence’: Lessons from Research with Violent Men. Feminist Review, 112(1): 113-127.

Alderson, S., Westmarland, N. and Kelly, L. (2012) The Need for Accountability to, and Support for, Children of Men on Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes. Child Abuse Review, 22(3): 182-193.

Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2015) New Approaches to Assessing Effectiveness and Outcomes of Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes. In: Johnson, H., Fisher, B.S. & Jaquier, V. (eds.) Critical Issues on Violence Against Women. Abingdon: Routledge (pp. 183-194).

Downes, J., Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2014) Ethics in Violence and Abuse Research – a Positive Empowerment Approach. Sociological Research Online, 19(1): 1-13.

Westmarland, N. and Kelly, L. (2013) Why Extending Measurements of ‘Success’ in Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes Matters for Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, 43(6): 1092-1110.

Briefing Notes

Phillips, R., Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N. (2013) Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: An Historical Overview. London and Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.

Alderson, S., Kelly, L. and Westmarland, N.(2013) Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes and Children and Young People. London and Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.

Westmarland, N., Kelly, L. and Chalder-Mills, J. (2010) Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: What Counts as Success? London: Respect.

Other Publications

Professors Nicole Westmarland and Liz Kelly have written a piece for the Conversation about the Project Mirabal research findings: ‘Leopards can’t change their spots but domestic violence programmes do change lives’ (13/1/2015).​

Conference Presentations and Other Videos

Prof Nicole Westmarland 

Beyond Safety’ –  Findings from UK’s Project Mirabal Across Six New Measures of Success.

New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes with Nicole Westmarland: 

Two conferences were held in January 2015, with over 500 people attending, to mark the end of Project Mirabal and launch the research report. You can view videos of the presentations from the London conference which took place

on 13th January 2015 in Stoke Newington Town Hall here: